Operation and Maintenance Manual
– SCD Smoke Dampers
Version 1
Date 04 2018
Page 48 of 81
Activating the trigger (for damper closing):
1. Carry out steps 1-6 described above.
2. Check the positions of the priority slides. Both slides need to be placed in home
position (see C view).
Rys. 29. Setting the AK box with a CO
3. Screw in the new CO
cartridge and close the box.
4. Remove the empty cartridge after activation (attention: there still may be residual
pressure) and carry out the setting procedure once again.
Electromagnet connection diagram:
Rys. 30. Electromagnet connection diagram.
PLZs are important elements of smoke damper control systems with a ventilation
function. They make it possible to carry out the ventilation function, and
– at the same time
– to keep the priority of the smoke exhaust function.
The ventilation function is started by means of a manual lever loaded valve. It is
possible to carry out the remote control function with an electric or pneumatic subassembly
in A (opening), Z (closing) or AZ (opening-closing) operating mode.
In the alarm function, when gas appears on the alarm box input, the emergency
power output is vented, and the ventilation function is disabled. After the emergency
release, the state of readiness should be restored by means of a returnable push button.
priority slide