SmartRG™ Residential Gateways
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TR-069 Remote Management – Automated Configuration Server Support
With a rich TR-069 heritage and a strong commitment to standards based, remote management,
SmartRG gateways are designed for maximum interoperability with industry leading, TR-069 based
remote management systems. SmartRG gateways provide maximum remote manageability and
the highest level of visibility into the connected home yielding:
shorter integration times
lower system integration costs
improved customer support –and-
reduced operational expenses
SmartRG works closely with industry-leading, TR-069 automated configuration server (ACS)
solutions providers to ensure “plug-n-play“ interoperability.
Affinegy ACS
SmartRG gateways have been tested to confirm maximum interoperability with the Affinegy ACS
Calix Compass/Consumer Connect ACS
In addition to being Calix physical layer certified (to ensure Calix access equipment compatibility),
SmartRG gateways have been tested to confirm maximum interoperability with the Calix
Compass/Consumer Connect ACS solution.
Cisco Prime Home™ ACS
SmartRG gateways have a long history of Prime Home™ (formerly ClearVision) ACS interoperability.