SmartRG™ Residential Gateways
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unchanged is suggested.
Routed IPTV Configuration (Multiple WAN Connections)
It is also possible to create routed IPTV configurations with multiple WAN connections. The notable
difference to typical routed IPTV configurations is the addition of one or more bridged WAN
connections to support multiple multicast IPTV streams. Again QoS is suggested. A typical multi-
WAN connection, routed IPTV service configuration is shown below.
Figure 37 Routed IPTV Configuration (Multiple WAN Connection)
To configure the SmartRG for multi-WAN connection, routed IPTV service deployments, follow the
single WAN connection, routed IPTV configuration instructions above –plus- add bridged WAN
connections using the instructions detailed in, “Creating Bridged WAN Connections.”