SmartRG™ Residential Gateways
P a g e
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C o n f i d e n t i a l
S m a r t R G © 2 0 1 2
This document describes the features, functions and administration of SmartRG™ residential
Who Should Read This User’s Manual
The information in this document is intended for Network Architects, NOC Administrators, Field
Service Technicians and other networking professionals responsible for deploying and managing
broadband access networks.
Additional Information
You may find the following documents to be helpful during your access network deployment:
SmartRG Data Sheets
SmartRG Product Release Notes
Deployment and Provisioning Presentation
Contacting SmartRG Inc.
Contact SmartRG Inc. for further assistance.
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 5am-6pm Pacific Time (UTC-8:00)
1-877-486-6210 (Toll free from the US & Canada)
1-877-486-6210 (Toll free from the US & Canada)