Configuring Your SmartRG™ - Common Use Cases
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Use Case: Setting Up Wireless Distribution System (WDS)
When deployed in a larger home or office, a single wireless access point may not be able to provide
adequate Wi-Fi coverage. Wireless Distribution Systems (WDS) provides a solution for this
problem. WDS combines multiple gateways to act as a single larger wireless access point allowing
Wi-Fi clients to seamlessly roam all access points plus it provides wired access to the entire
Two or more SmartRG gateways can be configured for WDS operation. The example below depicts
a WDS deployment with three SmartRG gateways in a large home or office – one primary gateway
in the center of the building and one remote gateway at either end of the building.
Figure 24 Wireless Distribution System
Configuring the SmartRG gateways for WDS operation requires the setting of WAN, LAN and
WIRELESS parameters on all gateways included in the WDS system.