SmartRG™ Residential Gateways
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SmartRG™ Residential Gateways
Advanced Features
Connect-and-Surf (Automatic Broadband Connection Configuration)
feature automatically establishes a WAN connection for default configured
gateways obviating the need for manual or custom configurations. The active physical layer is
detected (ADSL, VDSL or GigE) and layer 3 connectivity is established using PPP authentication or
If you prefer to configure your SmartRG’s WAN interface manually, connect a laptop to
any of the LAN ports and follow the instructions in the “Logging in to Your SmartRG™
Gateway” and “Use Case: Creating WAN Connections for Internet Access and Remote
Management” sections. Do NOT connect the WAN interface cable until after the
configuration is completed.
Activation (Automatic ACS Connection Configuration)
SmartRG gateways are designed to discover their service provider specific ACS management
settings without the use of custom firmware. SmartRG Inc. maintains an
activation server
associates a device’s MAC address with its service provider’s ACS settings. SmartRG gateways
contact the activation server to have their ACS settings modified upon initial power up (or after
being reset to factory default settings).
Activation server support is provided for ALL SmartRG gateways at no additional cost.
SmartRG Inc. enters gateway MAC addresses into the activation server prior to