DOL 535 • DOL 539
Technical Manual
The controller sharing its equipment with others is called a ‘Master’. The controllers getting information from the
‘Master’ are called ‘Clients’.
A controller may be the ‘Master’ of, for example, an outside temperature sensor, but at the same time be the
‘Client’ of a outside humidity sensor connected to another controller.
Figure 12: Example of network setup in two houses each with 3 controllers.
Usually, 3 controllers in each of the 2 houses would mean that you would have to install 6 outside temperature
sensors. However, if all of the 6 controllers are connected in the same network, they may share information from
one single outside temperature sensor.
The management program FarmOnline Explorer has access to the house controllers through the network of the
Select the menu
Technical | Service | Network settings| IP- configuration
MAC address
MAC address of the controller. It is, for example, used in connection with error tracing
in the network.
IP configuration mode
DHCP or Static IP.
IP address
The IP address of the controller: e.g.
Net mask
The Netmask of the controller: e.g.
Gateway IP address
The Gateway address of the controller: e.g.
IP configuration mode
: Selecting Static IP / DHCP
Entering IP address, Netmask and Gateway IP address.
Netmask and gateway must only be set when selecting Static IP.
The house controller is set to Static IP by default.
SKOV A/S recommends that you follow a standard network setup (also see FarmOn-
line Explorer Technical manual).
Note that if the connection between the ‘Master’ and the ‘Client’ controllers is interrupted, the
‘Client’ controller loses information from the shared equipment.