62 14 972 D 3507
D 3507
02 11.2010
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Installation Instructions HELIODENT
Replacing old units
Concealed installation
1. Only if the old power cable is used: Extend the power cable
sufficiently if necessary.
2. Only if a remote timer is used: Pull cable L6 into the wall.
3. Only if a remote control is used: Pull cable L9 into the wall.
Further installation steps
➢ Perform the remaining installation steps as described in the Chapter
Adaptation of the remaining installation steps due to replacement of an
old unit:
● "Elongated hole" installation version only: Once you have screwed on
the wall adapter, screw board DX1 back on again and reconnect the
cables to terminal strips X500 and X501.
– Terminal strip X500:
- X500.1 : blue (V)
- X500.2: pink (W)
– Terminal strip X501:
- X501.1 : gray/brown (negative)
- X501.2 : white (heating-)
- X501.3 : yellow ()
- X501.4 : green (kVact)
Do not install the cables for Remote Timer L6 and power cables in the
same conduit.