Recording triggered by Motion | Alarm
Video is recorded when the external alarm is triggered or motion is detected. Besides
configuring the recording schedule, you have to configure the settings on the Motion Detection
and the Alarm Input settings interfaces. For more information, see the descriptions of the
Motion Detection and Alarm Input tabs (Event page).
Recording triggered by Motion & Alarm
Video is recorded when motion detection and alarm input are triggered at the same time.
Besides configuring the recording schedule, you have to configure the settings on the Motion
Detection and the Alarm Input settings interfaces. For more information, see the descriptions
of the Motion Detection and Alarm Input tabs (Event page).
Recording triggered by Event
Video is recorded on the occurrence of so-called smart events such as Face Detection, Audio
Exception Detection, Intrusion Detection, and others found on the Events page. Besides
configuring the recording schedule, make sure that the settings of the specific event are
correctly configured. For more information, see the description of the Event page.
Storage > Capture
What this tab is for
On the Capture tab, you can configure the settings for snapshot captures.
Storage medium
By default, the files of recordings and snapshots are stored on the SD card (if supported) or
on a network disk. Network disks can be added via the Net HDD tab. On the HDD
Management tab, you can initialise connected disks and the SD card.
To set up the capture schedule
On the Capture Schedule tab, drag your mouse pointer across the required day(s) to set
up the recording schedule for this type of recording.