Sinterit LISA PRO User Manual | 59
You will need: Protective Gloves, Cotton cloth or paper towel, set of the new Short Infrared heaters.
Replace Short Infrared heaters with power disconnected.
1. Turn on the printer and wait until the main menu is loaded.
2. Unlock the printer’s Lid: press UNLOCK LID//OVERFLOW BIN button on the screen. Remember, you only have 10
seconds to open it before the lock activates again. Softly press and then open the Lid.
3. Turn off the printer for replacing the Short Infrared heaters.
4. Put on the Protective Gloves.
Use a clean cloth or paper towel while replacing the Short Infrared heaters. Do not touch the heaters with your hands!
6. Make sure the Short Infrared heaters are not hot. Carry the operation out when the machine is cold and switched off.
Gently grab the Short Infrared heater with your fingers and remove it parallel to its slots. Do not twist it in any direction,
it may cause damage to the heater’s slots!
8. Insert the new Short Infrared heater to the slot.
If you touch the short Infrared heater by hand, remove it, clean it and install one more time,
using gloves or a clean cloth.s.
You will need: Protective Gloves, 2mm HEX screwdriver, new Recoater cord
Beware of moving parts which can snag and pull.
Replace Recoater cord with power disconnected.
1. Turn on the printer and wait until the main menu is loaded.
2. Unlock the printer’s Lid: press UNLOCK LID//OVERFLOW BIN button on the screen. Remember, you only have 10
seconds to open it before the lock activates again. Softly press and then open the Lid.
3. Turn off the printer.
4. Clean the Print chamber if needed.
5. Unscrew both screws on the Recoater cover and take off it.
6. Freely move the Recoater to the Feed Bed side.
Unscrew the screws on the Recoater cord mounting plate with spring (Overflow Bin side).
Freely move the Recoater to the Overflow Bin side.
Unscrew the screws on the other side of the cord (Feed Bed side).
10. Place the Recoater in the space between the Beds.
11. Remove the Recoater cord from both sockets.
12. Take the cords off the Recoater bearing system.
Take the left ending of the cord and gently reeve, first the mounting plate, then the ending, through the gap between
the rotary shaft and Recoater housing to the right side.
14. Use a clean cloth to wipe the Recoater rotary shaft. Rotate the roll during the cleaning.
15. Take the new Recoater cord.
16. Put the new cord through the Recoater slide shaft and then onto the Recoater bearing system. It should go under the
black bearings and over the roll bar.