Chapter 5: Maintaining Disk Modules
Installing an Add-On Disk Module Array
As your organization’s needs change, you may need to add to or change the
configurations of your storage system’s physical disk units. For example,
you might want to add disk module arrays to unused slots or change the
ownership of a physical disk unit from one SP to another.
If the storage system has unused disk module slots containing only filler
modules, you can increase the available storage capacity by installing
additional disk module arrays. Normal processing can continue while you
install disk modules in arrays of five.
This section explains
ordering add-on disk module arrays
inserting the new disk module array
creating device nodes and binding the disks
Ordering Add-On Disk Module Arrays
Call the Silicon Graphics, Inc., hotline to order add-on disk module arrays:
1-800-800-4SGI (1-800-800-4744)
Use Table 5-2 as a guide to ordering add-on disk module arrays.
Table 5-2
Ordering Add-On Disk Module Sets
Marketing Code
Add-on five 2.1 GB drives
Add-on five 4.2 BG drives
Base array with five 2 GB drives
Base array with five 4 GB drives
Replacement 2.1 GB drive
Replacement 4.2 GB drive