Functional Description
Date: 24.08.2020
Art. No. 89992
Mod. status 133/20
Page 12 of 79
LED display
With factory setting, the LED glows green as long as the actual value is within the
programmed window. When leaving target window, the LED glows red.The sensor position
must be changed in the direction of the glowing LED in order to arrive at the target value.
The red glowing LED1 (left): counter-clockwise (ccw) rotation required. Red glowing LED2
(right): clockwise (cw) rotation required.
With factory settings, the LED display (see
) has the following meaning:
Operating state
There is no valid target
value or no operating
Both LEDs
No position monitoring active.
There is a valid target
Both LEDs
The actual value is within the programmed target
LED1 red
The actual value is outside the programmed target
window. The sensor must be moved in negative
counting direction in order to reach the target.
LED2 red
The actual value is outside the programmed target
window. The sensor must be moved in positive
counting direction in order to reach the target.
Table 2: LED display
Loop positioning
Target window is also applied to the loop length.
The behavior of the clearance compensation is independent of the set
counting direction of the display. The loop type must be changed to change
the clearance compensation.
If the position indicator is operated on a spindle or an additional gear, the spindle or external
gear backlash can be compensated by means of loop positioning. Therefore, movement
towards the target value is always in the same direction. This direction of approach can be
Since both linear magnet sensors are used with the AP10S, a clockwise direction of rotation
must be equated with a positive travel path.
The direction, in which each setpoint position is to be moved to, is positive.
the new position is greater than actual value:
Die Sollposition wird direkt im Uhrzeigersinn (CW) angefahren.
Case 2
the new position is smaller than actual value:
The directional arrows of the position indicator indicate that the loop length is to be
moved counterclockwise (CCW) beyond the target position. Them the target value is
approached clockwise.