Cut and glue in place the 5/16" sq. balsa front Windshield Braces. They should also be glued in flush with the lite-ply Sides
and spruce Cabin Tops. You'll have to hollow out the bottom inside corner of the Windshield Braces slightly so that they
will clear the Cabin Wires.
Block sand all the window area flush with the surface of the fuse sides and cabin tops.
Wood for cabin floor pieces CF-1 and CF-2, that go around the landing gear
blocks, is available on printed sheet #10. The lines drawn there are not exact size
- cut the wood oversize and sand the edges down until the pieces slip into place
between the main frame sides. Then glue in flush with the bottom of the fuselage.
Cut out and glue in the CF-3 Nose Fill-In piece
Add the 5/8" balsa Nose Bottom Block. Note proper grain direction.
Completing The Fuselage
Glue rear formers F8 through F13 in place on the main frame. They must be centered side-to-side. Note in the side view
plan how these formers should be sitting straight up and down when the fuselage is propped up level - not installed 90° to
the main frame itself.
Glue in place the 1/4" sq. balsa Top Corner Stringers and the 1/4" sq. T.E. Cross-piece that goes on top of former F7. It
may be necessary to soak the Corner Stringers in water to get them to bend into shape between formers F7 and F9.
Add the 3/16"x3/8" balsa Top Stringer.
Put scrap balsa gussets on each stringer where they connect to the back of
former F7.
Glue on the 1/8"x1/4" balsa Side Stringers. When dry, use a sanding block to
taper them near the front and the back as shown in the Fuselage Top View.
Glue on the 1/8"x1/4" balsa Bottom Corner Stringers. Notice in the cross-section drawings that these are glued on flat
against the main frame - not on edge as were the Side Stringers. Taper these stringers also, aft of F13, to blend into the
end of the fuselage.
Add 1/8" sheet balsa fill-in on the sides of former F13.
Cut the Stab Mount Blocks out of the printed balsa sheet. Make sure that these are cut out very accurately and that they
match each other. Glue them in place on the fuselage, allowing them to stick out slightly past the already-tapered Side
Stringers. When dry, shape the sides of the Blocks down to blend into the stringers. Remember to maintain a constant 3/8"
width at the end of the fuse where the rudder will be hinged.
Next you must prepare the die-cut plywood Tailwheel Mount (TWM) for
installation on the bottom of the fuselage. Refer to the instructions on assembly of
the Steerable Tailwheel Unit. Once you have the tailwheel assembled, hold it in
position on plywood TWM and mark the hole locations for the 6-32 Mounting
Bolts. Then epoxy the 6-32 Square Anchor Nuts to the top side of TWM. When
dry, carefully inlet the bottom of the fuselage to accept TWM, and then glue it in
place. Be careful not to get any glue in the threads of the anchor nuts.
Shape the entire fuselage with a knife and sanding block to match the cross-sections. You will need to have the cowl at
hand in order to get the shape of the nose area just right for a good cowl fit. Thus, refer below to the "Cowling" instructions
and complete the cowl through step (6h.) at this time. Then come back and finish shaping the fuselage.