(NOTE: At this point, there is no "right" or "left" difference between the two wing
strut assemblies, as is called for on the plan.)
Four pieces of 1/16"x1/2"x2-1/4" aluminum are provided for making the Upper
Strut Fittings. Drill, shape, and bend these pieces as shown on the plan to make
two #1 and two #2 Upper Strut Fittings. (The difference between the finished right
and left wing strut assemblies will be in these Upper Strut Fittings. That's why
they are called #1 and #2 on the plan - notice that the slant of their bend lines go
in opposite directions.)
Bolt the wing in place on the fuselage. Fasten the wing strut assemblies in position, one on each side of the fuse, by
bolting the Lower Strut Fittings to the Fuse Strut Fittings. Make sure you have the shorter front strut of each assembly
facing the front of the airplane. Trial fit, without glue, the finished Upper Strut Fittings into the notches in the spruce Struts
as follows:
A #2 Upper Strut Fitting goes in the Front Spruce Strut
A #1 Upper Strut Fitting goes in the Rear Spruce Strut
A #1 Upper Strut Fitting goes in the Front Spruce Strut
A #2 Upper Strut Fitting goes in the Rear Spruce Strut
Check that the Upper Fittings mate smoothly to their ply mounting inserts (FSM and RSM) that are built into the wing. If
they don't, double check to see that you've got the correct Upper Fitting in the correct strut. You may also have to readjust
the bend angles of the Upper Fittings and/or Fuse Fittings slightly to get a good fit. When satisfied, take the struts off the
model and epoxy the Upper Fittings into their proper notches.
When dry, bolt the strut assemblies back on the model. Hold the Upper Fittings
up against the bottom of the wing and mark the locations for the 4-40 mounting
bolts onto the ply mounting insert FSM and RSM. Take the struts back off. Drill
holes through the ply inserts and epoxy 4-40 blind nuts in from the inside (you'll
have to make a small opening in the front spar webbing to get the front blind nuts
Carve and sand the edges of the struts round. See cross-section on strut plan.
Reinforce the ends of the spruce struts over the brass fittings with a layer of
fiberglass cloth and epoxy glue. Also cover the areas in the center of each strut
where the jury struts will go. When dry, sand smooth.
Install 4-40 blind nuts in the ply Jury Strut Mount inserts (JSM) that are built into the wing. Epoxy the blind nuts in the exact
locations shown on the plan.
Four pieces of 3/16" o.d. x 7" long brass tubing are provided for making the Front and Rear Jury Struts. There are patterns
and instructions on the plan to use as a guide for bending them to shape. A regular hand pliers works best for flattening
and bending the ends of the tubing. Try to bend them exactly along the lines drawn, but don't make the bends too sharp or
the tubing could crack.
Bolt the top ends of the finished Front
and Rear Jury Struts to the wing. Swing
the bottom ends in position to line up
with the spruce struts. (Be careful not to
bow the spruce struts out of shape -
make the brass jury struts meet the
spruce!) Mark and drill the holes for the
4-40 flat head bolts that secure the
bottom ends to the spruce struts.
Countersink the holes so that the heads
of the bolts are flush with the bottom of
the spruce struts.
Cut to length, flatten and drill the ends of the two 4" long pieces of brass tubing provided for the Bottom Jury Struts. Due to
small differences between models, it's impossible to give you a useable pattern for these pieces. You'll have to tailor them
to fit on your own model.