21. Painting The Landing Gear And Wing Struts
The completed landing gear and wing struts should be painted with epoxy type
paint (Hobbypoxy or K & B Superpoxy) because of the large amounts of metal
to be painted. Dopes do not stick well to metal, but epoxy paint does.
Brush or spray a coat of epoxy primer on the entire part and sand smooth when
dry. Repeat applications of primer and thorough sanding until the surface of the
wooden and fiberglassed areas are smooth.
Spray on two coats of color, letting dry between coats.
Self-Adhesive Decals
Cut out the decal you wish to apply with a sharp scissors, modeling knife, or single-edge razor blade. Trim close to the
image, leaving about 1/32" to 1/16" of clear edge around the decal. Smaller designs (2 - 3 sq. in. or less) can be put on the
model by "dry application", whereas larger decals go on easier using the "wet application" instructions.
Instructions for Dry Application
Peel the paper backing sheet completely off the decal, being careful not to let the
sticky side double over and adhere to itself. Hold the decal in position just above
the surface of the model while you double check to make certain it is exactly
where you want it. Don't let the decal contact the surface of the model until you
are sure of its location! Once it is stuck down, it can't be moved! Start the actual
application by pressing just one edge of the decal into contact with the surface of
the model, and then carefully work towards the opposite edge, slowly rubbing the
remainder of the decal in place. Be careful not to trap air under the decal. If air is
trapped under the surface, puncture the air bubble with a pin and press down.
Instructions for Wet Application
Here's a little trick that allows application of self-adhesive decals to a model without the danger of trapping air bubbles.
Start by wetting the surface of the model where the decal will be placed with a generous quantity of soapy water solution
(a little dish soap in water, or a commercial cleaner like Sig Blue Magic Model Airplane Cleaner, "409", or "Fantastic" brand
cleaners will all work equally well). Peel the paper backing sheet completely off the decal, being careful not to let the sticky
side double over and adhere to itself. Place the decal onto the wet surface of the model. The soapy water will keep the
decal from actually sticking to the model until you have had time to shift it around into exact alignment. Once you have it in
exact position, use a small paddle of scrap sheet balsa to squeegee the excess soapy water out from under the decal.
Squeegee repeatedly to get as much of the soapy water out from under the decal as possible. Allow to dry overnight.
When completely dry, wash off the soap smears with a clean wet rag.
NOTE: These decals are completely fuel proof and cannot be harmed by any common model -airplane glow fuel
containing less than 20% nitromethane. Higher quantities of nitromethane may cause slight deterioration of the decal over
extended periods of time.
WARNING: Do not try to paint over these decals. Model cement, butyrate dope, lacquer, epoxy, and enamel paints may
dissolve the decals. If you wish to top coat your decals, be sure to test for compatibility on a scrap decal before applying
the paint. Frankly, Sig Mfg. Co. does not recommend top coating and will assume no liability for problems you may
Attaching The Tail Brace Wires
Four 2-56x10" threaded rods are provided for the Brace Wires. Cut two of them off at 8-3/4" long for the bottom brace
wires. Leave the other two at 10" long for the top brace wires.
Four standard RC links (2-56 thread inside) and four solder links (unthreaded) are provided for the ends of the Tail Brace
Wires. Take each link and cut off the side that has the pin in it. (A Dremel tool with an abrasive cut-off wheel works best.)
Enlarge the hole in the remaining half with a #44 drill bit.