Set the wing on the fuselage, sliding it
forward as far as possible. Mark and drill
a 5/32"x5/16" hole in the wing's Front
Dihedral Brace for the Cabin Wires to go
through. The wing should then slide all
the way forward with the trailing edge
dropping down in front of the T.E
Crosspiece. If necessary, adjust the hole
slightly with a rat-tail file to eliminate any
binding that keeps the wing from setting
flat on the cabin.
Tape or pin the wing in correct alignment with the fuselage measure from the wingtip to the back end of the fuselage.
Determine the correct spots on the top of the wing to drill through and hit the Wing Bolt Block in the desired locations for the
nylon bolts. Drill through the wing and Wing Bolt Block at the same time with a No.7 drill. Take the wing off and tap the
Block with a 1/4-20 tap. Enlarge the holes in the wing to 1/4" diameter to pass the nylon bolts.
Mark the locations for the 1/4" Dowels
that go in former F5 (see cross-section
F5). With the wing in place on the
fuselage, drill 1/4" diameter holes
completely through both F5 and the
wing's Front Dihedral Brace at the same
time. Remove the wing and epoxy the
dowels in place in F5. Wipe any excess
glue from the wing side of F5.
1-3/4"x2-1/4"x2-1/2" balsa blocks are supplied for making the Cabin Blocks. Study the Front, Top, and Side views of the
Cabin Blocks on the fuselage plans. Trim the blocks supplied roughly to match these three viewpoints. Leave them slightly
oversize. Then glue them in place on the front of former F5. Sand and trim to match the contour of the wing.
Wing Struts
Assembly of the wing struts requires the completed wing and fuselage.
Locate the two 1/16"x1/2"x2" aluminum strips supplied for the Fuse Strut Fittings. Round all four corners of the strips with a
file or grinder, and drill three holes through each with a #33 drill bit (see plan for exact locations). Draw a line across the
middle of each strip. clamp it in a vise up to the line, and bend it to the angle shown.
Mount the finished Fuse Strut Fittings in place on the bottom of the fuselage with 4-40 x 3/8" mounting bolts and blind nuts.
Epoxy the blind nuts on the inside of the fuselage.
Two pieces of 1/16"x1-3/16" (tapered) x 2" aluminum are supplied for making the Lower Strut Fittings. On each piece, round
the corners of the narrow end and drill a #33 hole in the location shown on the plan. Also drill several random glue anchor
holes along the sides where the spruce struts will be glued on.
Mark the four notched 1/4"x1/2" spruce struts as to which two are Front and which two are Rear - there is a difference in
length (see plan). Taper the fuselage end of each Rear Strut so it will fit onto the brass Lower Fitting along with the Front
Strut. Epoxy one Front and one Rear Strut onto each of the aluminum Lower Strut Fittings - make two identical assemblies.
Work directly over the Wing Strut plan to insure that the angle between the struts will be correct.