Cut to length a 1/4"x3/8" balsa stick and glue it onto the front edge of the bottom sheeting.
Pin all the 1/4" sq. balsa bottom spars, the two center WA ribs, and the WSP pieces in place. After you get these parts
squared up with each other, glue all the joints. When dry, sand the tops of the WSP pieces down flush with the tops of the
Glue the 1/4"x7/8"x16" ply Front Dihedral Brace onto the front of the ribs and the 1/4"x3/8" stick. Use 5-minute epoxy. Make
sure the Brace is centered spanwise so that it will extend an equal distance into the Right and Left Wing Panels.
In preparation for gluing the wing panels to the center section, first trial fit them without glue over the Front Dihedral Brace.
Do this with the center section still pinned to the board. The panels should slide on smoothly until they are snug up against
the center section bottom sheeting. The wingtips should be blocked up 1/2" at the last W4 rib for scale dihedral. Make any
slight alterations where necessary to allow the wing panels to fit properly to the center section. When satisfied that the
panels fit, glue them to the center section one at a time. Use slow-drying epoxy glue to allow yourself plenty of alignment
time. Follow these steps:
1. First coat the back side of the Front Dihedral Brace with glue.
2. Use a wire to thoroughly coat with glue the surface of the 3/16" spar webs that the brace will bond to inside the wing
3. Run a small bead of glue along the edge of the center section bottom sheeting.
4. Then slide the wing panel in place and pin securely.
5. Coat the adjoining WA rib with glue and pin it tightly against the panel's WI rib.
6. Attach the opposite wing panel using the same procedure. Then let the entire wing assembly dry before continuing.
Glue in all 1/4" sq. balsa top spars.
Add a 1/4"x 3/8" balsa stick on top of the
Front Dihedral Brace, along the front of
the WA ribs. Carve the excess down
flush with the tops of the ribs.
Fill in between the WA ribs, where the
wing bolts will go through, with 5/16"x1-
1/8" Tapered T.E. Stock. Carve or sand
down flush with the tops of the ribs.
Glue on the 3/32"x2"x6-1/4" plywood Center Section T.E. Top Sheet.
Cover the top of the Center Section with 3/32"x4" sheet balsa. When dry, unpin the wing from the plan.
Working through the opening you left in
the bottom wing sheeting, use a razor
saw to slot the WA,WI, and W2 ribs just
in front of the rear spruce spars to
accept the die-cut plywood Rear
Dihedral Brace
Epoxy the Brace to the spars. Glue 3/32"
sheet balsa in the gaps in the bottom