Proprietary and Confidential - Contents subject to change
!STKGC (continued)
Get (retrieve) data for last unsolicited proactive SIM command
notification (continued)
<dispMode> (Icon image usage)
0—Display icon only (replaces <text>)
1—Display with <text>
If <cmdId>="23" (Get Input), then <data> format is:
<DCS1>, <text>, <response>, <echo>, <helpInfo>, <minLgth>, <maxLgth>,
<DCS2>, <default>, <iconId>, <dispMode>
<DCS1> (Data coding scheme for <text>)
0—7-bit GSM default alphabet (packed)
4—8-bit GSM default alphabet (unpacked)
8—UCS2 alphabet
<text> (Text string in <DCS1> format)
Hex string
<response> (Expected response character format)
0—SMS default alphabet
1—Yes/No response only
2—Digits (0–9, *, #, +) only
3—UCS2 alphabet
<echo> (Echo input availability)
0—Echo not allowed. Actual string entered by user cannot be displayed, but
can be ’masked’ to indicate key entry using characters from the set (0–9, *,
#, +).
1—Echo input to display
<helpInfo> (Help information availability>
0—Not available
<minLgth> (Minimum length of expected response)
<maxLgth> (Maximum length of expected response)
255—No maximum length (can be
255 bytes)
<DCS2> (Data coding scheme for <default>)
0—7-bit GSM default alphabet (packed)
4—8-bit GSM default alphabet (unpacked)
8—UCS2 alphabet
<default> (Text string in <DCS2> format)
Hex string
If string is provided, ME will display this text for the user to accept, reject, or
edit as appropriate.
<iconId> (Numeric tag (index) of icon image file on SIM to be displayed)
0—No icon
1–255—Icon tag
<dispMode> (Icon image usage)
0—Display icon only (replaces any text string or <alphaId>)
1—Display with <alphaId> or text string
(Continued on next page)
Table 4-2: SIM Toolkit Command Details (Continued)