Register 5
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Siemens AG
System Manual
Rev. 03
CS PS 24
Medical Engineering
6 - 16
Replacing boards / replacing components
Configure the following parameters in User setup for Memoskop:
Perform the IQ quick test.
A Operating mode parametersChange the programmed parameters only upon the cus-
tomer’s request.
B Video recorder output
Configure to monitor A.
C Documentation
For SIREMOBIL Compact with 1 monitor:
configure to monitor A.
For SIREMOBIL Compact with 2 monitors:
Configure to monitor B.
D Text monitor
For SIREMOBIL Compact with 1 monitor:
configure to monitor A.
For SIREMOBIL Compact with 2 monitors:
configure to both monitors.
E Monitor split
Configure horizontally. Configure vertically only upon cus-
tomer request.
F Time
Configure Yes.
G Date / Time set
Set the current date and time.
H Hospital name
Program the hospital.
I Dose storage
If area dose product meter is present, (Diamentor) config-
ure Yes. Otherwise configure No.
K Dose documentation
If area dose product meter is present, (Diamentor) config-
ure yes. Otherwise configure No.