7SS52 V4 Manual
changed, or output as “Off” again after a parameter set has been completely reloaded
and the device is operating with these parameters.
The event log information of this annunciation (On/Off) is maintained in case of an in-
itial or restart.
Relevant information: On, parameter changes on-line from the device or through a pa-
rameter setting command.
Relevant information: Off, parameter set completely reloaded.
Reset LED
Acknowledgement that LEDs were reset.
Relevant information: On
Test mode
This operating mode is used for device tests during commissioning or maintenance.
In test mode, all information in monitoring direction is marked with the UBF test bit.
This ensures that events caused by testing do not trigger undesirable reactions
(acoustic alarms, derived commands and annunciations) in higher-level system com-
ponents (DIGSI). This operating mode can be activated and deactivated with a tagging
command on site or via DIGSI.
Relevant information: On/Off
Data transmission stop for annunciations, metered and measured values.
With data transmission stop on, all information in monitoring direction is marked with
the Transmission block bit. The actual transmission blocking is performed in the con-
trol center.
Relevant information: On/Off
Hardware test mode
This operating mode is turned on by DIGSI when the user activates in commissioning
mode functions such as setting of binary inputs, setting of output relays, setting of an-
nunciations. DIGSI turns the hardware test mode off when the commissioning mode
is left.
After the Off command, the annunciation “Hardware test Off” is output, and an initial
restart of the device is initiated after 5 seconds.
Relevant information: On/Off
Time Synch
Input for the external minute pulse.
Relevant information (fleeting): On
Reset following a clock synchronization.
Relevant information (fleeting): On
DayLight SavTime
Annunciation: Device switched over to daylight saving time.
Relevant information: On, the date/time management has received a request for time
synchronization with daylight saving time.
Relevant information: Off, the date/time management has received a time synchroni-
zation command without daylight saving time.
Clock SyncError
Annunciation: Clock synchronization error.
Relevant information: On, no synchronization received within parameterized tolerance
Relevant information: Off, synchronization received again.
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