Figure 1-15
TCU menu: Local logfile
● "Show logfile of remote devices" displays the logfile of the other devices in the network:
The syslog messages of devices in the system network which send syslog messages by
broadcast, such as NCU 7x0, ...
● "Modify operator panel settings" calls a further submenu. Please refer to the next section.
● "Calibrate touch screen" is only active if there is a touch screen. This menu item recalibrates
the touch screen.
● "Reboot" restarts the TCU.
Where the contents of a line exceed the space available, the remaining text runs onto the
next line so that you do not have to waste time scrolling across. When this occurs, the line
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General information and networking
1.4 Networking
Operator panel front: OP 010
Manual, 07/2018, A5E36371538B