Figure 1-12
TCU menu: Active sessions
Central area with the server list:
The individual server lines contain either "Show WHAT on NAME (IP)" or the IP address only
where the name is unknown.
Session number
VNC server
Session 0
Session 4
Command shell
Session 5
System logfile
Session 6
System Network Center (SNC)
Session <N>
other server
These details are followed by a status message regarding the accessibility of the VNC server.
"Connection not ok" appears if it is already impossible to access the VNC server from the IP
side (if switched off, for example). If it can be accessed, a message shows whether an HMI-
VNC server is also accessible ("HMI running/not running").
The VSK8, Return or right cursor keys can be used to launch a VNC viewer for the selected
Connection status:
Further details on the connection status can be called with the "Details" softkey. In the next
dialog, "not ok" or "not running" are accompanied by an additional error message with more
General information and networking
1.4 Networking
Operator panel front: OP 010
Manual, 07/2018, A5E36371538B