Installing the server setup
1. Open the "SI5\Server" installation directory.
2. Start the "Setup.exe" setup file with a double-click.
3. "SINUMERIK Integrate" opens.
Select the installation language.
This language selection is binding only for the installation.
The following languages are listed:
– German
– English
Click "OK" to confirm the selection.
Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 required
If you do not install the permitted server, you will receive a note that the installation can only
be performed on a Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 R2.
Confirm the note with "OK".
The setup is canceled.
Install the required server version and restart the setup.
Installing/uninstalling/modifying the SINUMERIK Integrate server
4.3 Installing the server setup
Manage MyResources, Optimize MyProgramming /NX-Cam Editor
Installation Manual, 12/2019, A5E44672080B AE