For MMR /Tools:
● oemDataUserName
● toolInstanceUserName
● toolLocationUserName
● toolMasterDataUserName
● MMRApplicationStateUserName
● ToolPlanUserName
For Toolstatistics:
● toolStatisticsUser
For MMR /Programs:
● mmrProgramsUserName
Follow these steps to create the required databases and users.
"IdentityData" and "identityUserName" is used as an example on the screenshots.
1. Log in to the "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" with administrator rights and
select <
Windows Server name 2016>.
2. Open the data directory of the machine involved.
3. Right-click on "Databases" and select "New Database...".
Installing/configuring Windows services
3.4 SQL Server 2016
Manage MyResources, Optimize MyProgramming /NX-Cam Editor
Installation Manual, 12/2019, A5E44672080B AE