Introduction to the SINAUT ST7 system
1.10 SINAUT ST7cc, the add-on for WinCC
Station control system
System Manual, 07/2009, C79000-G8976-C178-07
SINAUT ST7cc, the add-on for WinCC
Area of application
SINAUT ST7cc is the ideal control center system based on SIMATIC WinCC for SINAUT
It is specially designed for event-driven and time-stamped data transmission in the SINAUT
system. It avoids the possible loss of data that can occur with cyclic polling in WinCC. It also
ensures the use of the correct event time supplied by the SINAUT stations for all WinCC
messages and archive entries. The process image integrated in ST7cc contains all process
data as well as the status of all SINAUT subscribers in the network and makes this data
available directly to WinCC for fast transfer to the process image.
The ST7cc Config configuration tool provides the user with fully integrated engineering
based on the data messages that were configured in the SINAUT stations. Configuration of
WinCC including tag management is therefore generated automatically and updated
consistently whenever changes occur.
For archives, logs and reports that meet the requirements of ATV H260 or Hirthammer, the
additional use of the WinCC add-on ACRON is advisable. ST7cc provides a configurable
data interface to these add-ons.
Along with the WinCC redundancy package, a fault-tolerant ST7cc control center can be
Figure 1-25 SINAUT ST7cc control center system (single or redundant) with attached SINAUT