Configuring with STEP 7
15.2 Programming device functions in STEP 7
System Manual, 03/2012, A5E00267695-11
Programming device functions in STEP 7
Display in SIMATIC Manager
In order to do justice to the special features of a fault-tolerant station, the way in which the
system is visualized and edited in SIMATIC Manager differs from that of a S7-400 standard
station as follows:
In the offline view, the S7 program appears only under CPU0 of the fault-tolerant station.
No S7 program is visible under CPU1.
In the online view, the S7 program appears under both CPUs and can be selected in both
Communication functions
For programming device (PG) functions that establish online connections (e.g. downloading
and deleting blocks), one of the two CPUs has to be selected even if the function affects the
entire system over the redundant link.
Data which is modified in one of the central processing units in redundant operation affect
the other CPUs over the redundant link.
Data which is modified when there is no redundant link (i.e. in single mode) initially
affects only the processed CPU. The blocks are applied by the master CPU to the
reserve CPU during the next link-up and update. Exception: No new blocks are applied
after changing the configuration. Loading the blocks is then the responsibility of the user.