Configuring with Web Based Management
6.10 "iFeatures" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
Management Scan Period (in client mode only)
This parameter specifies the time between two management channel scans (specified in
iPCF cycles). If, for example, you select two, the client runs a management channel scan
only in every second iPCF cycle.
A lower value for the scan interval provides the basis for fast roaming, however this
means that no high data throughput can be achieved. A higher value should be selected
for a high data throughput.
Roaming Filter (in client mode only)
With this setting you specify the number of RSSI single measurements from which the
median is determined. With 5, the last 5 measured RSSI values are considered.
Median with an odd number of measurements
The values are arranged in ascending order. The value exactly in the middle is the
Median with an even number of measurements
The values are arranged in ascending order. The median is calculated from the
average of the two middle numbers.
If occasionally there are extreme outliers of the incoming signal, you can filter out the
worst fluctuations with this roaming filter. This prevents premature roaming of the client.