Configuring with Web Based Management
6.6 "Interfaces" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
On this page you specify when roaming is performed.
On connection termination (only in access point mode)
If the wired Ethernet interface is no longer available the WLAN interface is turned off. The
clients roam and then connect to a different access point. As soon as the first access
point reaches the server again it switches its WLAN interfaces active again.
When the destination address is unreachable.
Roaming depends on destination addresses. To monitor the device sends pings to the
configured destination addresses at regular intervals.
Interface monitored using a destination address
If no ping response is received from this destination address, the access point or the
client switches off the corresponding interface.
Interface monitored using several destination addresses
Only when no ping response is received from any of these destination addresses does
the access point or client switch off the corresponding interface. As long as at least
one destination address is reachable, the interface remains active.
The device sends a disassociation frame, for example, to the WLAN clients connected via
this VAP interface. The WLAN clients roam and connect to a different VAP interface. If
the address becomes reachable again, the connection can be established again via this
VAP interface.
The possible settings differ for access point and client.