Configuring with Web Based Management
6.4 "Information" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
The table has the following columns
MAC Address
The MAC address of a device located downstream from the WLAN client from the
perspective of the access point.
IP Address
The IP address managed for this device by the WLAN client.
There are two options for the type:
The information relates to the WLAN client itself.
The information relates to a device downstream from the WLAN client.
MAC mode
Frames sent by the client to the access point always have the MAC address of the WLAN
client as the source MAC address. In the "learning table" of the access point there is
therefore only the MAC address of the WLAN client.
If there are further SCALANCE W700 devices downstream from the client, the "Automatic"
option should not be enabled. In this case, the MAC address would be assigned
indiscriminately to the first SCALANCE W700 device that signals over Ethernet. If there is
only IP communication between the access point and the client, the default setting "Own"
can be retained. If MAC address-based frames are also to be sent by SCALANCE W700
devices downstream from the client, you need to select the settings "Automatic", "Manual" or
"Layer 2 Tunnel".