Configuring with Web Based Management
6.4 "Information" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 08/2018, C79000-G8976-C267-13
Buttons you require often
The pages of the WBM contain the following standard buttons:
Refresh the display with "Refresh"
Web Based Management pages that display current parameters have a "Refresh" button
at the lower edge of the page. Click this button to request up-to-date information from the
device for the current page.
If you click the "Refresh" button, before you have transferred your configuration changes
to the device using the "Set Values" button, your changes will be deleted and the
previous configuration will be loaded from the device and displayed here.
Save entries with "Set Values"
Pages in which you can make configuration settings have a "Set Values" button at the
lower edge. The button only becomes active if you change at least one value on the
page. Click this button to save the configuration data you have entered on the device.
Once you have saved, the button becomes inactive again.
Changing configuration data is possible only with the "admin" login.
Create entries with "Create"
Pages in which you can make new entries have a "Create" button at the lower edge. Click
this button to create a new entry.
Delete entries with "Delete"
Pages in which you can delete entries have a "Delete" button at the lower edge. Click this
button to delete the previously selected entries from the device memory. Deleting also
results in an update of the page in the WBM.
Cancel with "Cancel"
The Basic Wizard pages have the "Cancel" button at the lower edge of the page. Click
this button to close the Basic Wizard without applying the settings.
Page down with "Next"
The number of data records that can be displayed on a page is limited. Click the "Next"
button to page down through the data records.
Page back with "Prev"
The number of data records that can be displayed on a page is limited. Click the "Prev"
button to page back through the data records.
Delete the display with "Clear"
In pages with sequence logs, you can delete all table entries at the same time regardless
of whether filters are selected. The display is cleared in this process. The restart counter
is only reset after you have restored the device to the factory settings and restarted the
Click the "Clear" button to completely delete the data record.
Button "Show all"
You can show all entries in pages with a large number of data records. Click "Show all" to
display all entries on the page. Note that displaying all messages can take some time.