Configuring with Web Based Management
5.4 "Information" menu
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 03/2015, C79000-G8976-C267-08
Update on
/ Update off
WBM pages with overview lists can also have the additional "Update" button
With this button, you can enable or disable updating of the content area
. If updating is turned on, the display is updated every 2 seconds
To disable the update, click "On". Instead of "On", "Off" is displayed. As default, updating
is always enabled on the WBM page.
Navigation area (3)
In the navigation area, you have various menus available. Click the individual menus to
display the submenus. The submenus contain pages on which information is available or
with which you can create configurations. These pages are always displayed in the content
Content area (4)
In the navigation area, click a menu to display the pages of the WBM in the content area.
The following is displayed below the picture of the device:
PNIO Name of Station: PROFINET IO device name
System Name: System name of the device
Device Type: The type of the device
PNIO AR Status: PROFINET IO application relation status
Power Line1, Power Line2, Power over Ethernet: Status of the power supplies line 1 and
line 2 or power over Ethernet. The power line 2 and power over Ethernet are only
displayed if they are supported by the hardware. You will find further information on this in
the compact operating instructions.
PLUG configuration: Status of the configuration data on the PLUG
PLUG license: Status of license on the PLUG
Fault Status: Error status