Appendix D
D.1 Messages in the event log
SCALANCE W780/W740 to IEEE 802.11n Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 03/2015, C79000-G8976-C267-08
Status of the WLAN interface (in access point mode only)
Link down up VAP X.Y.
The VAP interface Y on the WLAN interface X is enabled.
Link down on VAP X.Y.
The VAP interface Y on the WLAN interface X is disabled.
WDS Y at WLAN X is up.
A link exists on the WDS interface Y of WLAN interface X.
WDS Y at WLAN X is down.
No link exists on the WDS interface Y of WLAN interface X.
Overlap-AP found on WLAN X: AP <system name> <MAC>
found on channel <channel number.> <RSSI value>
A further access point was detected on the channel set for
the WLAN interface X or on a neighboring channel.
Overlap-AP aged out on WLAN X: AP <system name>
<MAC> on channel <channel number.> <RSSI value>
The overlapping access point could not be detected during
the configured aging time and was removed from the "Over-
lap AP" list.
DFS: Radar interference detected on WLAN X at channel
<channel number> (frequency <frequency> MHz). Changing
to channel <channel number> (frequency <frequency> MHz)
A primary user (e.g. radar or weather station) was detected
on the channel set for WLAN interface X or on a neighboring
channel. The channel will be blocked for 30 min. The access
point changes to the configured alternative channel or to the
next free channel on which there is no primary user.
DFS: channel <channel number> (frequency <frequency>
MHz) aged out from NOL at WLAN X and can be used
No primary user detected on the channel any longer. The
channel was removed from the list of blocked channels and
can be used again
DFS: Radar interference detected on WLAN X at channel
<channel number> (frequency <frequency> MHz). No more
free channels to use!!
A primary user was found on all available channels. There is
no free channel available, the WLAN interface X will be
deactivated until one of the channels becomes available.
Status of the WLAN interface (in client mode only)
Link up on WLAN X.
The WLAN interface X is enabled.
Link down on WLAN X.
The WLAN interface X is disabled.
Messages on configuration
WBM: Authentication failure.
When logging in with Web Based Management (WBM), the wrong password was en-
tered. The event can be enabled or disabled in "System -> Events" (authentication fail-
Telnet: Authentication failure.
When logging in via Telnet, the wrong password was entered. The event can be enabled
or disabled in "System -> Events" (authentication failure).
Restart requested
Restart due to a user request. The event can be enabled or disabled in "System ->
Events" (cold/warm start).