CP 343−2 / CP 343−2 P AS−Interface Master
Release 08/2008
Using the Command Interface
Via the command interface, you can control the response of the AS-i master
completely from within your user program.
This chapter contains the information you require to access the command interface
of the CP 343-2.
Description of FC “ASI_3422”
In SIMATIC S7, a convenient command interface is available with FC ASI_3422.
By calling FC ASI_3422, you can handle both the transfer of the command and the
acceptance of the response data. After it has been called, FC ASI_3422 instigates
and handles the “write_record” and “read_record” calls independently.
Points to Note
You will find FC ASI_3422 at the following locations:
− In the STEP 7 block library “SIMATIC_NET_CP” (as of STEP 7 V5.4 SP4)
− On the accompanying product CD
You must use version 2.0 or higher of the FC ASI_3422
FC ASI_3422 must be interrupted during execution! FC calls must not be
programmed in priority classes that can interrupt each other (for example by a
call in OB1
in OB35).
If the CP 343-2 is used in the ET 200M, only a limited number of
read_data_record and write_data_record jobs can be active at the same time
on the S7 CPU. The maximum number of jobs depends on the S7 CPU.
If more than the maximum number of jobs are triggered, they are terminated
with the error 80C3h (temporary lack of resources). The rejected job must then
be repeated.