4.5 SINAUT special diagnostics
Configuration - DNP3
Configuration Manual, 11/2018, C79000-G8976-C508-01
right. The known subscribers are listed with their subscriber number and subscriber type,
if accessed over a STEP 7 project the name and station is also displayed.
Status tab:
Information on the reachability of the partners, connections or connection disruptions and
information on data communication and the operation of the send buffer
Partner tab:
Displays the known partners:
With CPU modules: Display in the known partners tab of the CPU selected in the list
of known subscribers on the left of the dialog
Dialing list external tab (optional):
Dial-up service and command of the connected TIM module
Polling list tab (optional):
Data of the station call of the partners of the connected TIM module connected over a
dedicated line with the option of disabling or enabling a connected partner
The colored symbols in the selection list of known subscribers indicate the reachability of the
individual subscribers and have the following meaning:
Table 4- 1
Symbols indicating subscriber reachability in subscriber diagnostics
Subscriber is reachable, all connections are OK
Subscriber is reachable, at least one connection is disrupted
Subscriber is not reachable