4.5 SINAUT special diagnostics
Configuration - DNP3
Configuration Manual, 11/2018, C79000-G8976-C508-01
TIM diagnostics
TIM Diagnostics - functions
Description of the functions
TIM Diagnostics provides various diagnostic data of a TIM module. This is displayed in the
following tabs:
"Memory" tab:
Information on memory and disk configuration
"Message" buffer tab:
Information on the buffer areas of an Ethernet TIM for messages
"Communication" tab:
Displays the installed communication drivers on the various interfaces of the TIM
"Time synchronization" tab:
Status of the time-of-day synchronization on the interfaces of the TIM
"Time" tab:
Information on the system clock of the TIM
"Filesystem" tab:
Displays all the files in the flash file system or (if installed) on the RAM disk of the TIM
"IP Parameters" tab (TIM 4R-IE only):
Displays the current IP parameters and settings of the Ethernet ports
"Statistics" tab (TIM 4R-IE only):
Displays the transmission statistics for the Ethernet ports
"MSC Communication" tab
Information on communication with the MSC protocol