1.9 Organizational measures
Mobile Panels 2nd Generation
Operating Instructions, 09/2018, A5E33876626-AC
Mobile Panel logoff
Before disconnecting the fail-safe HMI device from a connection box, you must log off the
HMI device using an appropriate operator control of the safety program or close the current
project. Logoff must be confirmed in a dialog. When you log off, the HMI device is removed
from PROFIsafe communication. After logging off, the emergency stop button and enabling
button are no longer active. You can therefore disconnect the HMI device from the
connection box.
For the HMI devices KTP700F Mobile and KTP900F Mobile: If you logged off the HMI device
without closing the project from the safety program, the project remains active on the HMI
device for the duration of the backup time and you can plug the HMI device into another
connection box. After plugging into another connection box and automatic logon to the safety
program, you can continue working with the current project in fail-safe mode.
If you disconnect the fail-safe Mobile Panel without logging off the connection box, a
PROFIsafe communication error occurs and the plant goes into safe operating mode
according to the configured shutdown behavior.
Connection point recognition
The connection point recognition is a function that you can configure for connection boxes.
Once you have configured connection point recognition, you can determine the plant area in
which an HMI device is connected and the connection box used for this. This provides the
following functions, for example:
Display of screens on the HMI device for specific plant areas
Emergency stop / stop for specific plant areas
Organizational measures
If you are using a fail-safe Mobile Panel in a fail-safe system, you must consider the
following organizational measures:
Install stationary emergency stop or emergency off buttons in the plant that are effective
independent of the Mobile Panel.
Perform a risk assessment of the plant.
If the overall plant is not to be monitored from a single location, configure plant areas.
Select the same operating mode for all connection boxes in a contiguous plant area.
Create a safety program.
Run an acceptance test on the fail-safe automation system.