Configuring the Mobile Panel
6.2 Configuring F-FBs in STEP 7
Mobile Panels 2nd Generation
Operating Instructions, 09/2018, A5E33876626-AC
Interconnect the MP_DATA input with the F-input address and the MP_DATA_Q
output with the F-output address of the HMI device. You can find the corresponding
addresses in the device configuration of the HMI device under "PROFINET interface
[X1] > Operating mode > I-device communication". Click on the "false" text next to the
corresponding input or output and, for our example, use the keyboard to enter:
- MP_DATA: "IW126"
- MP_DATA_Q: "QW126"
The user data are transferred via the MP_DATA input and the MP_DATA_Q output.
If you are using the F_FB_KTP_Mobile with F_FB version <2.0 in combination with a
controller of the type S7-1500F, you must change the data type of the automatically
generated PLC tags at input MP_DATA and output MP_DATA_Q from "Word" to "Int"
in the PLC tag table. The default names "Tag_1" and "Tag_2" were used for the PLC
tags in this example.
This interconnects the F_FB_KTP_Mobile with the HMI device. To operate the HMI device
with the emergency stop and enabling functions on one or more connection boxes, for
each connection box you need an F_FB_KTP_RNG that is connected to the
If you do not need the "Enabling" function and only want to configure a global emergency
stop, you do not need an F_FB_KTP_RNG. In this case, use the "GLOBAL_E_STOP"
output of the F_FB_KTP_Mobile in your safety program.
If you are configuring multiple connection boxes with and without F_FB_KTP_RNG in
mixed operation, you must evaluate output "GLOBAL_E_STOP" of F_FB_KTP_Mobile
and output "E_STOP" of all utilized F_FB_KTP_RNG blocks.
The following procedure describes:
Creation of an F-data block for caching the input signals for the enabling button and
emergency stop / stop button. Caching is needed if you want to operate an HMI device
with multiple connection boxes.
Alternatively, you can use the static data area of the block that calls the
F_FB_KTP_Mobile and F_FB_KTP_RNG blocks in the safety program. The calling
block can be the "MAIN safety block" or any other user block, see also the figure for
step 1.
Configuration of the connection between F_FB_KTP_Mobile and F_FB_KTP_RNG via
the F-data block.