Hardware installation
NK822x hardware installation
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
NK8021 modem in NE8000 cabinet
NK822x hardware installation
1. Install the NK822x unit on the DIN rail.
2. Connect subsystems:
– Subsystem lines using the standard RS232 interfaces on COM1 - COM4.
Note: Only COM1 and COM2 are available on NK8222.
– If used in place of COM1, the RS485 interface is on CN4 (NK822x).
– The LON bus is on CN3.
3. If used, set appropriate I2C addresses for I/O modules:
– Input modules (DF8040) have addresses 1 or 2
– Output module (DF8020) has address 1
– Power supply supervision module (DF8090), factory set to address 8.
4. Connect and install the modules, then connect the I/O points to the modules.
For more information about the DF8000 Input/Output modules, including
installation details, see documents:
DF8000 Datasheet (document no. A6V10081184)
DF 8000 ICC (document no A6V10081388)
5. Connect power supply.
See Figure
Power connections if using a DF8090 power supply supervision
Do not connect or disconnect any device when the device is powered on!