Building Technologies
Basic Documentation LMV5...
8 Display and operating unit AZL5
8.2.1 Port for the PC
Communication with the PC takes place via the COM1 port of the AZL5 (RS-232).
The PC software ACS450 offers the following operating functions:
Readout of settings, operating states, types of error, and points in time the errors
occur (LMV5)
Graphic support for setting the electronic fuel-air ratio control system
Parameterization of the LMV5
Trend recording (write function)
Printout functions for documenting the plant settings
Program update of the AZL5
For the standard operating functions, the following transmission parameters have been
19,200 bit / s
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
During the program update of the AZL5, the transmission rate between PC software and
AZL5 is automatically increased to 38,400 bit/s.
Order data for a RS-232-USB adapters for connection AZL52 to PCs that have only a
USB interface, refer to chapter
RS-232-USB adapter (connection AZL52 to PC for using
the ACS450 PC tool