Hicom 150 E Office and optiset E
optiset E acoustic adapter (Not for U.S.)
Allows you to connect telephone accessories: ex-
ternal speaker, second handset, desk microphone.
optiset E analog adapter
Allows you to connect analog telephones (such as
a telephone, group 3 fax machine, or modem) to
the System telephone.
optiset E contact adapter (Not for U.S.)
Allows you to control busy lamps (such as “do not
disturb”) and secondary bells (in very noisy or out-
door environments).
optiset E control adapter
For connecting a PC with dialing software (see op-
tiset E data adapter). This adapter also supports a
optiset E data adapter
Allows you to connect a PC (V.24 interface) directly
to the System telephone. This enables you to use
PC dialing, caller ID, logging functions, a company-
wide telephone directory, as well as to start up a
Windows application with the caller’s phone num-
ber and a caller list.