Communication blocks
Function Blocks - FM 458-1 DP
Edition 12.2004
Parameter language selection (parameter langage): The configured parameter names are
exactly activated when the data coincides with the PLA input at the @FMPAR block.
(Initialization input)
(Default value: 0)
The parameter number and the parameter name, separated by a colon are specified
at the Nnn inputs. Example: "H123: parameter name". The parameter number must
always consists of a letter (H or L) and three digits. The parameter name should be
a maximum of 16 characters long; longer names will be cut-off and shorter names,
filled with blanks. .
(Initialization input)
(Default value: Empty string)
Status display, possible values
- 0: OK status (all of the names are activated).
- 1: The names are not activated, as another language is set at function block @FMPAR
- 2: For at least one parameter number, there is no parameter (the name is ignored)
Additional values, refer to: D7-SYS Online Help "Help on events" (press key F1 in the CFC
and call-up the topic "Help on events" under "CFC for SIMADYN D")
(Default value: 0)
Computation time [µs]
FM 458-1 DP
Can be inserted online
Can be configured in
Cyclic tasks
Executed in
Initialization mode
Normal mode
Special features
additionally required block on the FM
modules: @FMPAR