Activation / Deactivation / Reset
82 | 184
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Activating deactivated ↑ alarm devices
Press <Alarm device> again.
Alarm devices are activated.
PMI with FBP [AU]:
Press <Silence Alarm> again.
Alarm devices are activated.
When activated alarm devices have been deactivated after an alarm event, they
are automatically re-activated when a new alarm event occurs.
5.13.3 Activating / resetting zone
An activated ↑ 'Zone' generates an event 'ALARM'.
Activating 'Zone'
1. Select 'Main menu' > 'Functions'.
The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select 'Activate / Deactivate'.
A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Activate /
Deactivate' command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the 'Zone' element category.
The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
A list with all 'Zones' is open.
5. Select an 'Zone' and press <softkey 1>.
The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select 'Activate'.
'Zone' is activated.
The window with the command response is open.