combination of the same/different SOPAS-ET-enabled SICK devices in one project. Via
upload and download, the parameter values are exchanged with the devices in a
device-specific manner.
Online help, which supports the use of the SOPAS ET configuration software. The func‐
tions of the device parameters are explained in the help. Runs in an HTML browser,
e.g., “Internet Explorer”, and can be called up from the SOPAS ET configuration soft‐
Saving in the device
The parameter set with the application-specific parameter values can be saved tempo‐
rarily or permanently in the device. In the case of temporary saving, the parameter set
is only contained in the volatile working memory (RAM) and is lost when the supply volt‐
age is switched off. In the case of permanent saving, the parameter set is also transfer‐
red to the non-volatile memory of the device and is retained as the current data set
after switching off. The default is saved independently of this in a fixed, read-only mem‐
ory (ROM).
Start/stop operation
In this read operating mode, there is only one object in the reading zone, the reading
field per read cycle. As standard, two external sensors or command strings control the
start and end of the read cycle on the device (stand-alone device). In this case, the
reading field length is determined by the distance of the two read cycle sensors for
starting (start of reading field) and stopping (end of reading field) the read cycle. The
minimum read distance between two objects must always be larger than the reading
field length.
In the event of joint use with other devices in the master/slave connection (e.g. 2-side
reading), the device acting as the slave receives its cycle signals from another device
(master). The networking between the devices is carried out via the CAN interface, the
output of the read result of the master via its RS-232/RS-422/485 interface and/or
the Ethernet interface.
Process for the transmission of all parameter values from the working memory of the
connected device to the PC in the SOPAS ET configuration software for display and
modification. Is carried out when connecting the device and successfully establishing
communication after the scan process following a confirmed query in order to achieve
synchronization between the user interface and the device. If necessary, can be trig‐
gered manually in the communication menu (upload all parameters from the device).
The parameter values must be displayed in the tabs in order to be able to modify the
current parameter value set.
8014396/ZMG8/2017-07-04 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | CLV69x
Subject to change without notice