Reference Manual
Ruler E
Laser Safety
Laser Safety
The Ruler E is an OEM component.
When the Ruler is incorporated into any machine or installation several laser safety re-
quirements must be fulfilled.
Laser Safety Classification
The United States Center for Devices & Radiological Health (CDRH) enforces strict safety
requirements for lasers and laser products.
Recommended reading: Laser Institute of America Laser Safety Guide.
Since the Ruler unit is intended to be incorporated into a measurement system, where it
may be partially hidden, it is important to understand the safety issues regarding laser
systems. This is so that the complete installation can be performed in accordance with the
laser safety regulations.
The CDRH classifies lasers into several categories, and the regulations regarding the two
classes applicable to Ruler systems are given here.
The classification is based on the laser power measured in a certain way (for complete
information, please refer to
For the Ruler this corresponds to the maximum light power measured through a 7 mm
aperture 100 mm away from the laser aperture.
The limitations for the classification of the laser classes is then
Class II / 2M
1 mW
Class IIIb / 3B
500 mW for emission duration
0.06 sec
Class II / 2M – "Caution"
This applies to Ruler E 600/1200 (II / 2M laser)
Considered eye-safe with caution, but may
present a greater hazard if viewed using
collecting optics. Focusing of this light into
the eye could cause eye damage.
Class II / 2M laser products must bear
warning and certification labels.
Class IIIb / 3B – "Danger"
This applies to the Ruler E 600/1200 B (IIIb / 3B laser)
Considered dangerous to your retina if
exposed. This includes looking directly into
a reflection from a specular (mirror-like)
surface. Normally, class IIIb / 3B lasers
will not produce a hazardous diffuse
reflection. Certification is given on prod-
ucts that have a key box and remote
interlock connector.
Class IIIb / 3B laser products must bear
warning and certification labels.
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