CPU Clock
This item allows the user to adjust CPU Host Clock.
Min: 100
Max: 355
Key in a DEC number: (Between Min and Max.)
****** Voltage ******
CPU Voltage
This item allows you to set CPU Voltage.
The choice: 0.825V~1.5875V or Auto.
DDR Voltage
This item allows you to set DDR Voltage.
The choice: Auto, 2.70V, 2.80V or 2.90V.
ChipSet Voltage set
This item allows you to set ChipSet Voltage.
The choice: Auto, 1.60V or 1.70V.
Load Fail-Safe Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item, you will get a confirmation
dialog box with a message similar to:
Load Fail-Safe Defaults (Y/N) ? N
Pressing 'Y' loads the BIOS default values for the most stable,
minimal system performance.
Load Optimized Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item, you will get a confirmation
dialog box with a message similar to:
Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N) ? N
Pressing 'Y' loads the default values that are factory-set for optimal
system performance.