Power Resume Control
This item enables your computer to automatically restart or return to its
last operating status after power returns from a power failure.
The choice: Always Off, Always On, Keep Pre-state.
PM Wake Up Events
This item opens a submenu that enables you to set events that will
resume the system from a power saving mode. Select Wake Up Events
and press
to display the following menu:
IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI
When enabled, any event occurring at IRQs 3 through 15 (excluding
IRQ 8) will awaken a system, which has been powered down.
The choice: Enabled, DisaIRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI
When enabled, any event occurring at IRQs 3 through 15 (excluding
IRQ 8) will awaken a system, which has been powered down.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
IRQ 8 Break Suspend
This field allows you to enable or disable monitoring of IRQ8 so that it
does not awaken the system from a suspend mode.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
RING Power Up Control
When set to Enabled, the system power will be turned on if there is any
modem activity.
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.