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Set PS/2 or USB Keyboard/ Mouse Power-On Function (J1)
ME62/ME63/ME64 mainboard provides an easy power-on function by PS/2
Keyboard/Mouse or USB Keyboard/Mouse.
When you enable Keyboard Power-On, you also need to configure
the proper hot-key combination <Ctrl> + <function key F1 ~
F12> in BIOS setup program.
To Power on the system by PS/2 or USB keyboard, simply strike the proper
hot-key. (A hot-key is the combination of <Ctrl> + <configured function
key F1 ~ F12>)
To power on the system by PS/2 or USB mouse, you only need to double-
click the mouse on the right or left button. (Note that power-on by serial
mouse is not supported)
To enable/disable PS/2 or USB keyboard/mouse power-on function, follow
the steps outlined below:
J1 1-3, 2-4 (default)
Step 1.
Adjust the jumper group J1 as shown in the following table.
Step 2.
Set the Power On field to the proper value in Integrated
Peripherals menu of BIOS setup.
PS/2, USB Keyboard/Mouse Power-On - J1
Both PS/2 and USB
Power-On Disabled
PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse
Power-On Enabled
USB Keyboard/Mouse
Power-On Enabled