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4.2 Mainboard CD Overview
Note : The CD contents attached in FT20 mainboard are subject to change
without notice.
To start your mainboard CD disc, just insert it into your CD-ROM drive and
the CD AutoRun screen should appear. If the AutoRun screen does not appear,
double click or run D:\Autorun.exe (assuming that your CD-ROM drive is
drive D:)
Navigation Bar Description:
Install Mainboard Software - Installing ATI RADEON Xpress 200 Driver,
ULi South Bridge Driver, Broadcom Giga Driver, Broadcom BACS, High Defi-
nition Bus, High Definition Driver, ULI USB2.0 Driver, DirectX9 Utility.
Install Utility - Installing Acrobat Reader, WinFlash Utility.
Manual - FT20 Series mainboard user's manual and ULI Raid manual in
PDF format.
Link to Shuttle Homepage - Link to shuttle website homepage.
Browse this CD - Allows you to see contents of this CD.
Quit - Close this CD.