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4.1 Install SATA Driver During Windows XP or 2000 installation
The current Microsoft in-box IDE driver is not suitable for ULi SATA Controller
(M5287). Please install ULi SATA driver during Windows XP or 2000 installa-
tion. Using the ULi SATA driver can achieve better performance than traditional
Microsoft in-box IDE driver, resulting in overall system performance boost.
4.1.1 Preparation
Prepare a diskette containing the ULi SATA driver. The driver binary for Win-
dows XP/2000/Server 2003 can be found under win_xp, win_2000, and Server
2003 subdirectory respectively. There should be two files, TXTSETUP.OEM and
DISK1, included at the root directory of the diskette.
4.1.2 Start installation
1. Boot from Windows XP installation CD-ROM. When Windows Setup
screen prompts “Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or
RAID driver…’, press F6 to run the driver installation.