S400 S600 Operator Manual 2009
Supreme Sander
Failure to properly mount the brushes on the adaptor
will result in the brushes flying apart and possible injury
to the operator and others in the work area.
These quick change accessories should be properly
engaged on the shaft to ensure safe operation. Make
sure pin on shaft engages the adaptor correctly.
Lock welt brush, stitch picker and edge iron down by
turning the adaptor in the opposite direction of shaft
A properly maintained machine will give you years of satisfactory service,
whereas an abused machine will not. We strongly recommend that you observe
the following procedures for your own benefit and safety.
Eye protection should always be worn by the operator
and others in the work area when servicing the machine
Eye protection is required for protection from flying
debris and dust, which could cause eye injury.
Clean your Supreme Sander daily.
Shake dust bag and empty dust drawer daily.
After cleaning the machine, turn dust extraction motor off. While the motor
is coasting to a stop, shake bag vigorously..
Open the front door and remove the dust tray, remove dust.
Check seal sound drawer and replace if damaged or if it is not sealed
When the dust drawer is full, dust may spill when the drawer is removed.
Vacuum out the bottom of the machine before replacing the drawer for the
last time.
The cleaner you keep the dust bag, the less likely you are to burn a hole in
them. Failure to shake the dust bag and empty the dust drawer daily will
only increase this likelihood, but also cause a significant loss of dust
extraction from the sanding, trimming and brushing areas.